About Faith Ferando Cattery

Faith Ferando Cattery is registered since January 2022 in the Magnificats club, member WCF (World Cat Federation).

About us

We are Ramona, Dorin and Andrei, a happy family, 3 people passionate about Persian chinchilla silver shaded cats.

At the beginning of 2022, the dream of starting the fascinating and passionate journey for the beauty and elegance of Chinchilla Silver Shaded Persian cats came true. We decided to dedicate our lives to the care and breeding of these wonderful felines.

As breeders of Chinchilla Silver Shaded Persian cats, we take on a responsibility that extends beyond the welfare of the kittens. We treat catshows seriously, we like to participate at cat shows both nationally and internationally. Our entries demonstrate not only a commitment to the breed, but also a valuable contribution to standardizing and promoting the quality of this breed in the cat world. The feedback that we get from the judges at cat shows is essential for any breeder, as it confirms and attests the standard of each breed at the highest level.

In addition to our efforts to keep the breed standard, we make sure that all Faith Ferando breeding kittens live up to international genetic and health expectations. Thus, all our cats have undergone an extensive set of over 50 genetic tests, all with negative results, carried out at a specialized laboratory in Helsinki. These tests include those attesting to breed authenticity, blood group determination, as well as tests for PKD (polycystic kidney disease), PRA (polycystic kidney disease), PRA (polycystic kidney atrophy) and other diseases.

All this rigorously ensures the health and purity of the genetic lines in our cattery.

Felisa Faith Ferando - felisa autorizata de pisici persana chinchilla silver shaded

Best practices within our cattery

The well-being of our cats

Within our cattery, we prioritize the health, nutrition and comfort of each cat, ensuring an optimal living environment.

Regular visits to the vet

Going to the vet is fundamental to maintaining a healthy life, reflecting our responsibility and love for these wonderful creatures.

Compliance with breed standards

We are very careful to maintain high breed standards through careful selection and responsible breeding.

Attending events

Introducing our cats at national and international shows and exhibitions is the best opportunity for continuous evaluation and recognition.

Rigorous standards of compliance

We aspire to excellence in breeding. Among the kittens available, we also have cats selected for breeding that meet strict breed standards.

Informing parents-to-be

We make sure that future parents are informed about breed specifics and needs, as well as the long-term responsibilities of caring for their kittens.

Faith Fernando Cattery is not just a cattery, but a story, hard work, love, passion and dedication to chinchilla silver shaded persian cats. Our journey has shown us that any dream can come true with passion, responsibility and commitment.

Home About Faith Ferando Cattery


Whether you are looking for a new member in your family or you are looking for a breeding cat, you can contact us, by email, phone, whatsapp or onsocial media.
Faith Ferando Cattery is registered in the Magnificats club, member WCF (World Cat Federation).

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